Public consultation for the Livingstone Shire Council five-year Biosecurity Plan is now closed.

The Biosecurity Plan was developed in 2019 for the benefit of the entire community and it expires in December 2024. The Biosecurity Plan identifies invasive pests that occur in our Shire and prioritises the management of pest plants and animals across the Shire.

A draft of the new Biosecurity Plan has been developed following consultation with key internal and external stakeholders, and outlines the strategies used to manage biosecurity risks. Council invites residents of the Shire to identify pest plants and animals that impact their property or surrounding land and provide comment on the draft Biosecurity Plan.

The new plan will equip the shire to manage biosecurity risks effectively over the next five years.

Community members are invited to review the draft Biosecurity Plan and complete the online survey below. Your feedback will shape the strategies and actions in the new Biosecurity Plan 2024-2029.

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