Lex Semple Park has received funding for an exciting upgrade to naturalise the waterway and revitalise the bushland corridor through the park and the Pineapple Rail Trail.
Join the project management team from Healthy Land & Water and Livingstone Shire Council for Community Input Sessions where we’ll share exciting plans to bring Fig Tree Creek back to life!
The interactive sessions are designed to consult the local community and understand how Lex Semple Park can become a beautiful and thriving waterway for locals and for the wildlife of Fig Tree Creek.
Learn about the project, its goals, focus area, timeline, funders and why this restoration is important for the Fig Tree Creek.
Your insights will be invaluable as we brainstorm ideas for improvements and restoration work.
We’ll be asking you some important questions:
- How do you and your family currently use or interact with this space (e.g. walking, cycling, birdwatching)?
- What types of plants or habitats would you like to see more of in this area?
- What wildlife would you like to attract to Lex Semple Park and Fig Tree Creek?
- What issues or challenges do you notice in the waterway or the park? (e.g. pollution, maintenance issues, lack of vegetation, inappropriate use of the park).
- What would help you feel more connected to or involved in the care of this waterway?
- Would you be interested in participating in future activities like planting days, wildlife monitoring, or clean-ups?
Your knowledge and feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the concept design and guiding the successful delivery of the project.
More about the project
This project is funded by the Australian Government Urban Rivers and Catchments Program. The Program aims to restore the health of our urban waterways for native plants, animals, and local communities.
Healthy Land & Water are delivering this project that will demonstrate a waterway naturalisation intervention to improve habitat and water quality in Fig Tree Creek.
The project site in Lex Semple Park was identified as a priority for intervention by Livingstone Shire Council and the community. Specifically, the drainage channel within the site is bare with no natural vegetation, which has led to erosion.
Livingstone Shire Council has identified a need for the project to transform this landscape by cultivating community stewardship of Fig Tree Creek, with a broader vision of connecting residents to the local ecosystem and its crucial connection to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.