The Community Development and Sport and Recreation (CDSR) team is focused on delivering projects and programs which build capacity and increase resilience, specifically within not-for-profit community and sporting organisations across the Shire. This aligns with the team’s awareness that not-for-profit community and sporting organisations are an integral element in supporting active, vibrant, and connected communities.

The CDSR team facilitate a Capacity Building Program to empower and strengthen Livingstone community groups and sporting clubs.

The Community Capacity Building survey will assess the following four criteria:

  • Current capacity

    The survey will assess the current capacity of community and sporting groups and help us to better understand each group's strengths, weaknesses, and limitations.

  • Identify needs

    The survey will help us identify the specific areas where community and sporting groups may need additional support, resources, or training. It will highlight gaps in knowledge, skills, or resources that can be addressed via council’s Capacity Building Program.

  • Strategic planning

    The survey results will inform our Community Development Team’s strategic planning processes. With a better understanding of Community and Sporting Groups current capacity and needs, we can tailor the Capacity Building Program to assist groups in meeting their needs.

  • Program development and improvement

    The information we gain from the survey results will help us to develop and source materials and resources, and assist us in tailoring programs and workshops to meet the specific needs and preferences of community groups and sporting clubs.