The Great Keppel Island (Woppa) Wayfinding and Interpretative Signage project is an initiative to enhance navigation and visitor experience on Great Keppel Island by implementing a clear, cohesive signage system.

The project ensures that visitors can easily locate and navigate to key attractions, amenities, and transport points while learning about the island’s unique cultural and natural heritage.

Key features of the Great Keppel Island (Woppa) Wayfinding and Interpretative Signage project include:
  • Directional Signage: Clear and easy-to-read signs placed at strategic points to guide visitors to beaches, trails, amenities, and other significant locations.
  • Interpretative Markers: Informative displays sharing the cultural, historical, and environmental stories of the island including recognition of Woppaburra heritage.
  • Accessible Design: Signage that meets universal design standards ensuring usability for all visitors, including those with disabilities.
  • Environmentally Conscious Materials: Durable, sustainable materials that withstand the island’s coastal environment while minimizing ecological impact.
  • Digital Integration: Potential inclusion of QR codes or interactive elements to provide visitors with additional information and updates.

This project aims to create a welcoming, informative, and navigable environment on the island for all visitors, ensuring they can fully appreciate everything Great Keppel Island has to offer.

The contract for the Great Keppel Island Wayfinding and Interpretative Signage project has been awarded to Dotdash, specialists in wayfinding, interpretive and visual communication.

This work will include the development of a wayfinding and interpretive signage suite that will be used across the island which reflects the island’s character and Woppaburra cultural heritage.

Three images of Anzac Parade at Emu Park highlighting the boardwalk and interpretative signage.

The Emu Park ANZAC Commemorative Precinct is a powerful example of effective wayfinding and interpretive signage located in the Livingstone Shire, guiding visitors through a meaningful journey of remembrance. Recognized as one of Australia's most remarkable memorials, the Precinct features the ANZAC Memorial Walk, which follows the scenic coastline and includes a timeline of events leading up to the First World War.

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