The Great Keppel Island (Woppa) Wastewater Treatment and Amenities project is a key deliverable of the Great Keppel Island (Woppa) Concept Master Plan and will deliver common user infrastructure on Great Keppel Island.

The Queensland Government's Great Keppel Island (Woppa) Concept Master Plan identifies a number of immediate priorities that must be undertaken to secure the viability of existing tourism operators and underpin future economic growth on the island.

A detailed business case with eight key recommendations were presented to councillors at a special council meeting on Tuesday 25 June 2024, where the recommendations were unanimously adopted by council.

The business case recommended a new Micro Bio-Reactor (MBR) plant on the site of the existing wastewater treatment plant, with a new sewer and power supply laid along existing designated roads.

Completion of the first stage of the project will have sufficient capacity to service the Hideaway, GKI Holiday Village, new visitor amenity blocks and northern freehold allotments on Fishermen’s Beach, with some capacity for future growth. New development on the old resort site and extension to the southern properties will require further system augmentation as a future stage.

Key outcomes of the meeting are as follows:

  • The new council reaffirmed strong support for the wastewater treatment and amenities project, acknowledging Great Keppel Island's cultural and economic importance to the region.
  • Council officers will continue to progress the tendering process for the delivery of the wastewater treatment plant, in anticipation of a final funding agreement being executed with the Queensland Government.
  • Council officers will continue to progress agreements for land tenure of the site and the supply of power and water from the Hideaway.
  • A new wastewater service area will be declared for the properties to be serviced and adopted sewerage charges will be levied as applicable.
  • The council acknowledged by resolution that revenue from the island will not be sufficient to fully fund the operating and maintenance costs of the wastewater treatment plant and that mainland ratepayers will be subsidising this service.
  • Council understands the importance of replacing the existing plant and will take all possible steps to expedite the project.
  • Council resolved to join the new native title application as a respondent party to monitor progress and ensure the community is represented during the process.

Council, in partnership with the Queensland Government, is commencing a separate detailed concept design study for a Gateway Precinct including a visitor centre, amenities block, beach showers, welcoming place and other visitor facilities. While this will be a separate project, it is intended works will be coordinated to ensure best use of resources.

As part of the business case, Council will also consider an appropriate operating model (sewerage charges) for the Great Keppel Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Council looks forward to working with all stakeholders to progress this project and other key priorities from the Great Keppel Island (Woppa) Concept Master Plan in the future.

Watch the non-confidential portion of the Special Council Meeting on Tuesday 25 June 2024 on council’s YouTube channel.

View the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting on Tuesday 25 June.

Council will call for tenders in early July, with a contract expected to be awarded in September 2024. The new wastewater treatment plant is projected to be operational by late 2025.

Update from Mayor Adam Belot - Great Keppel Island (Woppa) Wastewater Treatment and Amenities Project