Livingstone Shire Council are forming a community reference group for Keppel Cove and Zlizie and are seeking expressions of interest from local residents to nominate themselves to form part of this group.

Ten (10) local residents will be chosen as per the below selection criteria and questions.

Nominations close on the 29th January 2023.

The Purpose

Reference Groups are locally focused and will provide feedback regarding issues, ideas or suggestions within the Keppel Cove and Zilzie localities.

Reference Groups shall:

  • Represent the interest of the community by acting as the conduit between the locals and Council officers/Councillors.
  • Provide an opportunity to develop local representatives who will champion the vetting of ideas, task prioritisation, and local projects that will contribute towards delivery of quality, value-for-money outcomes.
  • Work collaboratively with Council, community and other key stakeholders on the development and delivery of various initiatives.
  • Consult with and support relevant sectors of the community in identifying opportunities and, where appropriate, to assist in the design and delivery of such opportunities.

Group Members

The Reference Group membership will consist of the below key members:

  • Councillors
  • Engagement and Event Officer (Chair)
  • Residents
  • Council officers (subject matter experts) will be invited as required per agenda items, as will additional local residents.

Selection Criteria

  • Applicants must live in the locality of Keppel Cove and Zilzie and provide proof of residence on request.
  • All questions must be answered on the nomination form.


EOI Nomination for Keppel Cove and Zilzie Reference Group

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.