
26 October 2020 QTC investigations begin into northern suburbs boundary review - 4 August

17 January 2022

QTC investigations begin into northern suburbs boundary review - 4 August

Work on the review of Livingstone’s northern boundary suburbs of Glenlee, Glendale and Rockyview, as proposed by Rockhampton Regional Council, will commence shortly, with a final report to be provided to the Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Dr Steven Miles.

The Queensland Electoral Commissioner notified Livingstone Shire Council this week that the review would get underway this month, following Council’s Leave Livingstone Alone campaign in 2020, which highlighted the significant economic impact losing these suburbs would have on the entire Shire.

Livingstone Shire Mayor, Andrew Ireland, discounted the need for the review, but was pleased that the process was finally underway.

“This blatant land grab by Rockhampton Regional Council has been an albatross hanging around the neck of Livingstone residents since it was first proposed by the former Rockhampton Mayor,” Mayor Ireland said.

Mayor Ireland also took aim at the Queensland Government, saying: “the State talks a big game about financial sustainability for Council’s and the close relationships between State and Local Government, but then entertains sending a Council like ours into real financial distress by unnecessarily eroding its revenue base.”

The Electoral Commissioner has engaged Queensland Treasury Corporation to undertake a review of the financial implications of the proposal, with the outcomes of the financial review to then be published in advance of a poll of Rockhampton and Livingstone residents, seeking their view on the potential transfer.

“The good people of Glenlee, Glendale and Rockyview have all chosen to not live in Rockhampton and are an important part of the Livingstone community,” Mayor Ireland added.

“Council values all areas of the shire equally and we will have a stronger economic future if our existing Shire remains as is.

“This change is totally unnecessary; leave Livingstone alone.”