The Normanby Street reconstruction project will deliver improved safety and efficiency for road users and improved connectivity of pedestrian and cycle pathways in the Yeppoon Central Business District.

The project involves a full reconstruction of Normanby Street between Mary and Park Streets and includes:

  • Trunk water main replacement
  • Water reticulation main replacement
  • Underground power
  • Stormwater upgrades
  • Roundabouts at Mary and Park St intersections
  • New kerb and channel
  • New pavement and asphalt
  • Formalised parking spaces
  • Formal bike lanes
  • New wider footpaths
  • Pedestrian crossings
  • Street lighting
  • Landscaping

February 2025 Project Update

Stage Two of the Normanby Street Reconstruction project is set to commence on Monday 3 March. Crews are currently relocating to the site, with a site office being set up on Arthur Street. This office will remain in place throughout the duration of the project.

Stage Two of the project includes critical works to underground eletrical infrastructure and reticulated water supply. Works will slowly ramp up during March and are expected to be completed by late 2025. Once the underground works are completed, roadworks will commence and carry through until 2028.

Road users and pedestrians can expect changed traffic conditions along Normanby Street throughout these works, including:

  • Traffic delays at times – please follow traffic control directions
  • Reduced roadside parking in some areas along the work site
  • Temporary road closures and detours as required.

Council is committed to limiting the impact on pedestrian access to businesses/homes as well as limiting the impact on traffic flow and parking during the many stages of construction. When unavoidable impacts occur (so that Council can maintain efficient and safe construction practises), the Project Manager will inform those affected either in person or by letterbox drop prior to works commencing*.

*Two weeks’ notice of works will generally be given, however, in some circumstances this may not be possible due to changes in scheduling and unpredictability when completing underground work (constructing new, renewing and augmenting underground services). Council will also be relying on the availability of other service providers (e.g. Ergon Energy) to complete certain parts of the works, and these schedules may change at short notice.

December 2024 Project Update

The next construction phase on the Normanby St Reconstruction Project is scheduled to commence in February 2025. This will include construction work on underground services, which is estimated to carry through to late 2025. Once the underground works are completed, roadworks will commence and carry through until 2028.

Council is committed to limiting the impact on pedestrian access to businesses/homes as well as limiting the impact on traffic flow and parking during the many stages of construction. When unavoidable impacts occur (so that Council can maintain efficient and safe construction practises), the Project Manager will inform those affected either in person or by letterbox drop prior to works commencing*.

*Two weeks’ notice of works will generally be given, however, in some circumstances this may not be possible due to changes in scheduling and unpredictability when completing underground work (constructing new, renewing and augmenting underground services). Council will also be relying on the availability of other service providers (e.g. Ergon Energy) to complete certain parts of the works, and these schedules may change at short notice.

Design diagram of the Normanby Street Reconstruction project

Design diagram of the Normanby Street Reconstruction project current as at September 2024.

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