The Ocean Park Avenue Community Traffic Survey is now closed.
Residents along Ocean Park Avenue have expressed their concerns about increased vehicle traffic (speed, volume and noise), a high number of trucks travelling along the road and reduced safety for pedestrians. Council officers completed a comprehensive traffic review (in November 2022 and in June 2023) to understand and quantify resident concerns.
The following data was recorded:
- Average speed = 51km/hr
- 85% percentile speed = 56km/hr
- Average volume = 2,170 vehicles per day
- Maximum volume = 2,540 vehicles per day
- Heavy vehicle percentage of volume = 12% at mid-point or 200 trucks per day.
Please refer to the Ocean Park Avenue Traffic Count Data on the Ocean Park Avenue Get Involved page for detailed information.
Council is consulting with local residents in order to determine the community's preferred solution for managing traffic along Ocean Park Avenue. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.