Project update 14/12/2022

Excavation works in the west bound lane (in front of St Ursula’s) has commenced and work in this lane will carry through to early February 2023.

The current west bound lane closure on Queen Street and the subsequent detours will be in place over the Christmas period and carry through to early February 2023.

Construction works will stop for the week between Christmas and New Years and is scheduled to recommence on the 3rd January.

Livingstone Shire Council were successful in securing $1million from the Federal Government to upgrade sections of Queen Street, Yeppoon from Arthur Street to Mary Street to meet road functional hierarchy requirements.

Since a significant rain event in 2014 drainage has been upgraded in the CBD to accommodate possible major rain events.

The federal funding along with Council funding now provides the opportunity for Council to install kerb and channeling and upgrade drainage as part of the Queen Street Reconstruction Project.

Queen Street's current situation includes:

  • Failing and Damaged Pavement
  • Poor Drainage
  • Haphazard Parking
  • Speeding through School Zone
  • Gravel entering Drainage Network

The project plans show a complete upgrade to the street addressing the above issues.

Tree removal is essential for the upgrades to the street, however Council has considered the replacement of trees and shrubs carefully and stocks from the council nursery will be used for replanting which will result in an attractive street view.

A combination of trees, understory grasses & shrubs will be selected from the following species (final choice has not yet been made)

  • Grasses/Groundcovers
  • Bulbine bulbosa (Bulbine Lilly)
  • Lomandra longifolia
  • Dianella sp.
  • Crinum pedunculatum (Crinum Lilly)
  • Eramophila sp. (Emu Bush)
  • Grevillea venusta. ( Byfield Grevillea)

Established street trees 2.0m will also be planted and selected from the following species (final choice has not yet been made):

  • Tristaniopsis laurina(Kanooka Gum)
  • Buckinghamia celsissima(lvory Curl).
  • Cupaniopsis anacardioides (Tuckeroo)

Construction will begin in October 2022 and is expected to take about five (5) months to complete.

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