
Cr Nigel Hutton Resigns

24 January 2023

Nigel Hutton has today announced his intention to resign as an elected councillor of Livingstone Shire Council effective 31 March 2023.

Mayor Andy Ireland thanked Cr Hutton for his significant contribution to the Livingstone community over an extended period.

“Nigel has been a community champion and volunteer for much of his adult life, including over nine years in elected public office,” Mayor Ireland said.

“He was an active part of the campaign to restore Livingstone Shire Council’s identity in 2014 and has been a strong force within the Council Chamber since being elected as a councillor at that time."

Cr Hutton was first elected as councillor in 2014 and has served in a number of councillor portfolios, including as Deputy Mayor from 2018 to 2020.

As Cr Hutton’s resignation takes effect in the final 12 months of the current electoral term, there will not be a by-election and, instead, the remaining councillors will appoint a suitable candidate to fill the casual vacancy until the March 2024 local government elections.

Announcements about the process of filling the vacancy will be made once councillors have had the opportunity to consider things formally at their next meeting.

“By giving two months’ notice of his resignation, Cr Hutton has allowed councillors to fully consider how they wish to go about appointing his replacement,” Mayor Ireland said.

“It will also give any intending candidates time to duly consider whether they wish to be a nominee for the vacancy.

“And this extra time also gives us the opportunity to properly recognise Cr Hutton’s contribution to public life before he finishes up with us at the end of March.”