Livingstone Shire Council has secured $13 million in Commonwealth Government funding under the Community Development Grants program to deliver a new 50m swimming pool and other facility upgrades for the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre situated at Cooee Bay.

Features of the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre Facilities Upgrade include:

  • A new 50m pool and amenities block
  • Extended shade over the pool
  • Pool heating and thermal covers
  • Submersible swim wall
  • All-ability access to the complex and the pool
  • New welcoming entrance and landscaping.

The enhanced design of the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre prioritises inclusivity, featuring wheelchair access, modern amenities, and a Changing Places all-accessibility changeroom. The upgraded filtration system and a redesigned community-friendly layout ensure a premier facility for recreation, sport, and community engagement.

The project also includes the removal/demolition of the Cooee Bay Hall to accommodate the footprint of the project plans. Although current funding does not permit the replacement of the existing learn-to-swim pool, masterplanning for the new facility has considered how a new learn-to-swim pool may be included on the site in future.

To accommodate the community during construction:

  • The Learn-to-Swim program has been relocated to the Seaspray Health and Fitness Centre in Zilzie.
  • The Yeppoon Lagoon’s opening hours have been extended to support early lap swimmers.

The learn-to-swim pool will not be available to pool users during construction. Don Ireland Swimming Complex in Emu Park is also available as an alternative venue for regular pool users while construction takes place at the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre.

Three dimensional aerial image of the proposed upgrade to the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre's new 50m lap pool

3D rendered image of the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre's proposed facilities upgrade highlighting the extended shaded area over the new 50m pool.

March 2025 Project Update:

Construction underway on the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre

Construction is progressing on the transformational Yeppoon Aquatic Centre, despite the challenges caused by recent wet weather.

The project team have completed the earthworks for the building pad in the amenities and kiosk areas, and are now completing bulk excavation for the pool and preparing the foundations for both the building and the pool base, with the start of bored piers bringing the centre closer to its transformation into a modernised aquatic facility.

As the construction continues, the Yeppoon Aquatic Centre will take shape, with plans for a new 50-meter pool, expanded amenities, pool heating, wheelchair accessible access, and a range of modern facilities.

The project, a joint initiative of Livingstone Shire Council and the Australian Government, is expected to be completed in December 2025, with the Australian Government contributing $13 million to the development.

Council is currently considering a formal name for the new aquatic centre that reflects the views of the community and will keep the community informed throughout the process.

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